Saturday, June 27, 2009

Xander's so puuuuurrrrrty:) He went to his groomer's for a "spa day" (which means he gets to spend part of the day playing in daycare, plus gets the whole grooming package.) He told us about it (Toby and I have short smooth coats so we get bathed at home). He gets all the tangles combed out that he won't let Mommy do when she brushes him here at night, then he gets shampooed all over, conditioner put on his fur, he gets his back and sides buzzed smooth like our fur and the curls on his ears and legs trimmed with a scissors. He gets his anal gland drained (ewwwww, I had that done at the doctor once and it's no fun at ALL, tho it's way cool when the stinky stuff squirts out on the lady's white doctor coat, hehe.) He gets his nails clipped and buffed smooth (so he doesn't scratch Mommy anymore). Then he gets brushed and blow-dried and comes home so beautiful that Mommy keeps singing to him and dancing with him.

Ugh, I say "WHATever!" - but I'm sure proud he's my brother! Willow Beagle

Monday, June 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mommy!

It's our Mom's birthday today. Aaaarf, arrrrf, arrrrf, we want to tell her "Happy Birthday".
Love from her family,
Xander Spaniel, Willow Beagle and Toby Von Dachshund
Misty, Daisy, Monte and Shadow

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Appleton Area Mini Dachshund Playgroup

Hey, Fellow Dachshunds!

I asked Mommy to try to find other little guys (and girls) like me who like to meet and play together---- Toby:)

If you're the proud parent of a mini Dachshund you've noticed that, whether or not your dog is the sociable type in general, they all seem to recognize and respond to others of the same breed. There used to be a group of Doxies who met at the Appleton Dog Park on French Road, and it was soooo cool to see these little weenies in a "pack". It's also always nice to meet and talk to other Moms and Dads who are as smitten with these terrific little dogs as I am, compare notes on the many joys and few concerns and let the "kids" meet and greet each other.

If you might be interested in getting together with other mini Dachshund parents please post here, or send us an email. If a few people are interested, we can meet out at the dog park and set up some "playdates".

We really hope you'll consider it - no commitments, of course!

Friday, June 12, 2009

DANVILLE, Va. -- American police have continued their fight in the War against Small Dogs by shooting dead an overweight miniature dachshund.

11 year old miniature dachshund is claimed to have barked, and then "lunged" at an police officer in Danville, Virginia. Despite the dog's small stature and rotund waist line, the officer choose to shot the dog on the spot, after all, you can’t trust those crafty foreign dogs with their funny names and brown fur.

Neighbors told local media that he was a friendly neighborhood dog that had never acted violently before. “He was just a little house dog” one said. Local police representatives are naturally saying that the war against small dogs is completely fair, and the officer was acting within department policy.

The shooting follows the shooting of a 5 lb. Chihuahua in Ohio earlier this week (actual photos above.) The Danville Police Department has identified the officer who shot and killed a dachshund that lunged at him while he was attempting to serve warrants at a home on Berman Drive Monday evening. Chief Philip Broadfoot identified the officer during a Thursday afternoon news conference as Murrill McLean, 43, of Danville.

I'm not sure how many of you have already read/seen/heard about this tragedy, but in Danville, Virgina, a police officer drew his gun, shot and killed a 12 lb miniature Dachshund who was barking at him. What else can I say?

There is more to see on the web about this case, including the police officer leaning against the front of his squad car, smoking a cigarette and refusing to identify himself (caught on his own dash-cam, as was the vivid, horrific death of this little dog), and the Police Chief justifying such a heinous action. The power of the web is truly the "power of the people" - if you are as moved and outraged as I am, and the millions of others who have posted about this case, please contact the Danville Police Department directly:

Danville Police Department - 427 Patton St, Danville Virgina - (434) 799-5111

Rest in peace, little dude. To your family, our hearts go out to you. May you find some solace in the fact that your loss has touched millions, and made so many of us run home to hug our own little "sausages" more tightly.

Toby's Mom

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Boy, it's been a long time since we've posted! The kids and I don't have internet access at home right now, so Mom's doing this from the Neenah Public Library. What's new? Hmmmm....we found a new place to live. Upside: It's clean and much prettier than that nasty old house. Downside: No more yard, and no more Buddy-the-dog-next door. Upside: Mom walks the furkids on leash every night, nice long walks with great new things to sniff and blocks and blocks of strange dogs to annoy.

What else? Well, we've gotten some good quality dogpark time in lately. We're sooo lucky to live in an area where the humans understand the value of dogparks! Mom is going to try to get a Dachshund Play Group going again - Toby really misses playing with the other little Schwieners (ugh, Mommy and her silly nicknames!!!) Xander's still crabby and Willow's still hyper. Mommy's still working and enjoying her job.

Well, Mommy's going to sign off now - Chris wants to get rolling and we're both hungry. Will still has an upset tummy so Mommy has to go home and cook her dinner - rice and ground turkey.

See you all! Keep on barkin'

Toby, Willow and Xander

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Doggie quiz!!!
What's your name??Toby
What's your mommy/owners name?Pam
What breed are you?Miniature Dachshund
How much did you cost??I'm worth every cent!
What's your facorite toy?Tug-of-War toys
Tap water ot bottled water?Bottled
Do you always walk or are you always carried?Some of each
How many pounds will you weigh full grown?11-12
Do you wear clothes?A vest in winter
Long or short hair?Short
Indoor or outdoor?Indoor
Do you sleep with your mommy or in your own bed?With Mommy under the covers
What's your fave color?Do I have one?
Do you chase cats or get along with them?Chase them - but I like them!
How old are you? (in people years)1
Do you like to go swimming?Nope
Are you fixed?Yes
What color are your eyes?Brown
What color is your hair?Black and tan
Do you get groomed?Just my nails clipped
Are you potty trained?Yup
How much do you bark?Only when Will does
Have you ever bit anyone?No
Do you believe in interbreedal mating?Beagles and Dachshunds
Do you like the bath or hate it?Hate it
Are you friendly with ther dogs or go you just attack?I love other Doxies
Does your mommy/owner have a carring bag for you?Yes
Do you do any doggie sports??No
How cute are you from 1 to 10?10

Hi everyone! Toby here! We got our pictures back! I sure am handsome! Willow sure is pretty! Xander sure is...Xander. (Mommy loves him, but I'm not too fond of him. He used to try to bite me when I was little, and besides, he pees on everything before I do so he thinks all the trees are HIS!!)

Mommy took us to
Lindsey Van Roy Photography to get our pictures taken. She was just getting over being sick and had to carry us up the outside stairs. I'm just 11 pounds and I like it when Mom carries me, but she had to carry chubby Xan and squirmy Willow too! Anyway, we got our pictures back last night. When Mommy gets the e-copies, she'll post them on here for us. I just know all the girl Dachshunds are going to be wild about me. Chris even went with Mommy to pick out our pics! He's usually NEVER allowed to go places with Mommy anymore! She was really happy he could come.

Here's Xan when he was a wittle bitty puppy. He doesn't look so fierce, hehe! And here's our brother Chrissy and kitty-sis Daisy, and this is Chrissy and Denise.

See you all later,

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Doggie quiz!!!
What's your name??Xander
What's your mommy/owners name?Pamela J. Nitzschke
What breed are you?American Cocker Spaniel
How much did you cost??$350.00
What's your facorite toy?Teddy
Tap water ot bottled water?Tap (Refrigerated) Water
Do you always walk or are you always carried?Walk
How many pounds will you weigh full grown?Should: 25-30; Do: 36
Do you wear clothes?Nope
Long or short hair?Long
Indoor or outdoor?Indoor
Do you sleep with your mommy or in your own bed?In my own bed
What's your fave color?Blue
Do you chase cats or get along with them?Ignore them, mostly
How old are you? (in people years)2
Do you like to go swimming?Yes! Learned last summer (Thanks, Mom)
Are you fixed?Yes
What color are your eyes?Brown
What color is your hair?Black and white
Do you get groomed?Yes
Are you potty trained?Yes
How much do you bark?Not much
Have you ever bit anyone?No
Do you believe in interbreedal mating?No comment
Do you like the bath or hate it?Neutral
Are you friendly with ther dogs or go you just attack?I like them as long as they stay away from Mom
Does your mommy/owner have a carring bag for you?No
Do you do any doggie sports??Just swimming
How cute are you from 1 to 10?9