Saturday, June 27, 2009

Xander's so puuuuurrrrrty:) He went to his groomer's for a "spa day" (which means he gets to spend part of the day playing in daycare, plus gets the whole grooming package.) He told us about it (Toby and I have short smooth coats so we get bathed at home). He gets all the tangles combed out that he won't let Mommy do when she brushes him here at night, then he gets shampooed all over, conditioner put on his fur, he gets his back and sides buzzed smooth like our fur and the curls on his ears and legs trimmed with a scissors. He gets his anal gland drained (ewwwww, I had that done at the doctor once and it's no fun at ALL, tho it's way cool when the stinky stuff squirts out on the lady's white doctor coat, hehe.) He gets his nails clipped and buffed smooth (so he doesn't scratch Mommy anymore). Then he gets brushed and blow-dried and comes home so beautiful that Mommy keeps singing to him and dancing with him.

Ugh, I say "WHATever!" - but I'm sure proud he's my brother! Willow Beagle

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