Monday, June 23, 2008

Toby's First Post

Hi hi hi hi. I'm Toby and tonight I got to sniff goose poop and see a giant white floating car-thing on the biggest most giganticist water I've ever seen! Mommy called it "Riverside Park" here in Neenah and wow! It had all kinds of strange sights and smells. I wasn't afraid, no sir, I wasn't, I stood my ground and barked in my deep big-boy voice at every new thing. Even hordes of those screaming running jumping small people my sister Willow likes so much. All the people we know at home and at day care and at doggy school are big people who talk softly and move like Mommy does, but those short ones SCARE me. Sure don't know why Willow thinks they look like so much fun - she's always hopping over our fence to try to play with some and I tell her you watch out Will, be careful. Ohhhh tonight was soooo exciting though - I'm 8 months old and love having new adventures. There's so MUCH out there to sniff and see and taste and do. Look out world, here I come!

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