Good morning everyone! Rrrrrroooof I feel good today. Daycare yesterday- boy, am I liking THAT. Wasn't too sure at first - lots of big dogs, Willow running off and playing with her friends - but now it's greeeaat! We go to the Ruff House in Neenah, Wisconsin. It's really nice there. The people all know Willow and me and Mommy, and there are lots of nice little dogs to play with all day. Sometimes we take naps and I curl up with Will on a fluffy pillow, just like at home. Other times we run and play outside in the big yard.
This morning when Mommy and I were cuddling in bed, we saw a dog who looked just like me on the TV. Mommy thinks it's funny when I see dogs on TV but I don't know why - I can recognize dogs on the TV without hearing them bark. This dog was a Dachshund like me, only he has a little car-thing with wheels. Mommy said "awwww" as if it was sad but I just thought it looked cool. He (or she) sure can get around, and I bet he'd be fun to play with too. He sure didn't look sad. His mommy wrote a book about him called "Frankie the Walk and Roll Dog" and they are going to be at a bookstore in De Pere today. I sure wish I could meet him. Mommy said she might drive up and get the book and meet Frankie for me. Maybe she'll let me go too. Here's his blog.
We graduate from puppy school next week. Maggie and Buddy are in my class. Maggie is the St. Bernard I told you about. She sure was pretty last night. She seems to like me...hmmmm....who SAYS size matters? I'm verrry handsome, everyone says so.
Well, gotta run, Mommy's going to turn on Animal Planet while she runs her errands, but first I have to go to the shower with her. I curl up on the fluffy rug while Mommy stands in the inside-rainwater-thing and washes the fur on her head. Pssss....Mommy doesn't have fur, only skin. That sure looks funny. No wonder she wears clothes. I just wish she wouldn't make us wear clothes - I don't want to cover up this beautiful black and brown fur of mine!
See ya!
Toby Von Dachshund
1 comment:
Thanks for stopping at my blog today to comment on my TV appearance. I'm excited to let humans know that disabled animals can truly live quality lives. I'm living proof.. along with many more out there.
You are one handsome fella, Toby Von Dachshund and I'm so glad to meet you.
Check my book out, "Frankie, the Walk 'N Roll Dog"
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