Tuesday, July 15, 2008

We went to the dog park and met our friends. We really love the dog park here in Appleton. First we take Mommy for a long walk on the trails. We have a lot of fun doing that, even if Mommy is kind of slow and we have to keep coming back to make sure she's keeping up. I smelled so many dogs! My Beagle-nose is better even than Toby's long Dachshund nose, and way better than Xander's Spaniel nose. After we go around the whole trail, we go to the Small Dog Area. That's a small area where dogs can take their Mommies. There are tables and benches for us to put the humans, so we know they're not going to wander off and get lost while we play with our friends. Great idea, huh? Otherwise, we'd have to keep a closer eye on them, but in the Small Dog Area it's all fenced in so Mommies can't get lost or wander off while we play.

I have a lot of friends. At daycare and at the park, Mommy says I'm her bestest friend-maker. I get along with all the dogs.

Little Toby and I played outside all day Sunday too. We rode a long way in our crate in the van - sure was glad it was air-conditioned and big, because I don't like the car with all those windows. When I see other cars whizzing past, and bicycles, and worst of all motor-cycles, I bark at them! When we got done with our ride, we were at another house far away. Mommy had work to do in the house, but there was a BIG fenced in yard where we could play. We played and played, and I sunbathed (sure do like the feeling of sunshine on my tummy and grass under my back when I roll around on the lawn!) and we got soooo tired we ASKED Mommy if we could come in the house, and took naps, and then went outside to play some more.

This afternoon Mommy and Toby and I took naps in the big chair. I like having Mommy home during the day! But I know she's sad and worried so I hope she finds another J-O-B soon, even if it means Toby and I can't run and play during the day.

Byyyyeeee for now,

Willow Beagle

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