Hey, everybody, Xander here. Boy, this "4th of July" business sure isn't for dogs. Last night we heard the explosion-gunshots-big bangs every few minutes and it was only the 3rd of July. Tonight Mom's giving us the valerian herbal stuff in the blue glass bottle, especially Will, so we don't get too nervous. Me, I'm cool - I was only walking around carrying my Teddy in case the pups needed him. But Will and little Toby were hunkered down next to Mommy all evening.
Mom and I went for a walk last night, just the two of us. We live in a town called Neenah, in Wisconsin, and overall it's okay. They let dogs in all the parks and that's nice. If you ask me, they should keep KIDS out of parks. I never saw a dog spray paint bad words on buildings or smash up the toilets in a public bathroom, or light off firecrackers, or any of the other stuff KIDS do in parks. Well, anyway, Neenah also has "bike lanes" on all the streets. Last night Mommy and I were walking down the sidewalk, and three big people came riding towards us on bikes. They didn't go into the bike lane at all, just aimed right for us. I kept my cool until they came RIGHT next to us and then I barked once, to tell them to watch out. One of them YELLED at Mommy and me. Mommy told them to use the bike lane, and one said "train your dog." Hehe, Mommy yelled back, "why? he's already smarter than you - HE isn't walking in YOUR bike lane." I'd show them, yes I would - they think they can hollar at Mommy because I'm a Cocker Spaniel??!! I hope there are a whole PACK of pitbulls next time they hollar at someone's Mommy!
Last year Mommy took me down to the park, and all the people petted me and talked to me. I love that! I wonder if she will again this year. The big sky-fireworks really don't scare me - it's the ones kids drop or throw right next to you that kinda freak me out.
Well, everyone, have a great summer weekend. I'm gonna do one of my favorite things - take a nap in the sun on my back, so my tummy gets all warm and aired out. See ya!
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