Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Anyway...more good news (GREAT news!) I know how to SWIM! Neenah has this neat little dog beach, and all summer I've been going down to watch the labs swim. They sure look like they love the water but me, well, I wasn't too keen on getting my fur wet, or even dipping a paw. But Mommy knew how much I WISHED I could swim like them so she taught me. Last week, finally, I let her take me out and hold me under my tummy while I paddled my paws until....ta DA! I was swimming. Now I love it, and can't wait til we go down and I can dogpaddle after my tennis ball over and over and over and over, just like the big dogs! Swimming rocks!
Willow's back in dog school, and Mommy's been working really hard on teaching her to be calm and not bark (more like me, Mommy says.) Will isn't a bad kid, as little sisters go, she just yaps a lot like all Beagles. But I'd really hate to see the poor kid end up in....the BAD PLACE where dogs without mommies and homes go. She's always happy and loves to play and cuddle. We're going to try really hard to find a new place to live for all of us.
Hey, here's a really neat dog video that our Aunt Alyce sent us. These dogs like to swim too!
Xander Spaniel
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The sand was really neat for digging. I got some major holes in before we left. I mean BIG ONES.
Last night we went down to our big water - I thought Lake Winnebago was big until we went to see Lake Michigan on Sunday. At first I didn't want to get my paws wet - this beautiful long fur isn't easy to keep stylin' - but some other guys were there and we started playing chase and before I knew it I was in the water. Up to my chest! Man, those dogs could swim. They were all Labs - a fine looking blond lady, her black Lab brother, and two chocolate labs. One of the brown ones - I think his name was Brody - was AMAZING, he swam so far out to fetch his tennis ball and then back in. Maybe next time I'll try swimming a little.
See ya!
Xander Spaniel
Friday, July 4, 2008

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I must have slept because when I woke up I heard Mommy's car thing coming back, and I heard Mommy go in the front door and heard Willow, silly Willow, yipping and yapping. I think she was trying to TELL Mommy, I do. But instead of coming outside, Mommy started CALLING ME. I heard her "Where's Toby? Toby! Toby!! TOBY!!!?" and some other stuff and Mommy sounded SCARED. I didn't know big humans get scared. I wanted to tell her "Mommy, I'm out here" but she wouldn't have heard me. Boy, did she run around in that house, yes she did, oh yes. Finalllllly the back door opened and Willow and Xan came out and Mommy saw me and scooped me up and I let her cuz I already proved what a big fierce guard dog I am so I pretended I was a little puppy-boy again for Mommy. She hugged me so tight and kept saying "sorry...oh my God poor little Toby oh you poor baby, you big brave boy, oh my god how could I..."and all kinds of words and I licked Mommy's face and let her hold me and even stayed in her lap when she sat down, like I was a BABY. That's okay. I know I'm brave enough to be a big dog now, but I sure don't ever want to be alone again, and it sure was good to feel Mommy hold me and see silly Willow and Xan and even the CATS again.
PS...Mommy fed me summer sausage!!! All for me!!! And kept calling me "poor little Toby" and "you brave boy".
That was my ad-ven-ture!
Mommy's home today. She didn't take a shower and get dressed up in her going-away-and-leaving-us clothes so maybe we'll do something fun today instead.
Miss Willow Beagle
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dog parks are the coolest, neatest, bestest, happiest places ever! How come there's only one dog park and a kazillion human parks in Appleton, parks where only humans are allowed? We pass those parks and they look so nice and green and empty - no dogs walking, and no humans either mostly. Except sometimes at night when big humans hang out there and do naughty things and scare people. Humans don't walk in their parks, they don't run and smell things and if they're not dog-humans sometimes they're not very nice either.
Our dog park is always busy, even if it's cold or hot or rainy, all day, every day. I LOVE it. I love running as fast as I can, letting all those wonderful smells rush past me, feel the wind and the sun and the fresh air skim past me as I go, feeling my legs go so fast I feel like I could fly. I'm like the wind, like a bird, like....a dog! Running's the best. Mommy can't run, and she can't even go fast like little humans or those running-humans I see going past the house, so I'm very careful to always stop and come back to her and make sure she's keeping up. Little Toby tries to keep up with me - silly little Toby - he's got short stubby legs and can't FLLLLYYY like Beagle-Girl can. Xan trots down the trails, stopping to enjoy interesting new smells, but he doesn't runnnnnnn like I do either. Sometimes big dogs with long legs run like I do and then I get scared until I know they won't hurt me, but nope, nosirreee, no one loves running like Miss Willow Beagle does. It's the most wonderfulest feeling in the world and when I can run like the wind I feel like I can fly.
After we walk on the trails at the dog park - well, I run - then we go to "the little kids area" and there are little dogs there that don't scare me, and that's fun too. We play puppy-chase, and little Toby keeps up with me and sometimes he finds other little dogs like him there, and we all play together.
I love the sun on my fur too, and I stretch out looooong so the grass tickles my tummy and the sun makes my fur all warm, and I love the way the world smells from a car window. Humans don't understand that, even Mommy, how DAZZLING the world is when a kazillion smells rush into my nose all at once, all mixed up and telling about all kinds of new, strange, wonderful things in the world I haven't found yet.
And at night, when it's dark, I love feeling Mommy's hand petting my ears, my fur, and I love the way it feels to have little Toby snuggle up against me and we both snuggle up against Mommy and are all cozy and warm. Toby says that's the way it was when he was a baby with his first dog-mommy and brothers and sisters. I didn't have a dog mommy, just Mommy, and I didn't have dog-brothers and sisters, just Xander and the cats (until Toby came) but that's okay, this is my family and I'm soooo glad because there are soooo many wonderful things in the world to smell and feel and taste and do.
I'll tell you more about my favorite things another day - there's so MANY!!!
Bye, now - Willow Beagle
Friday, June 27, 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Willow's First Post
xxxooxxxx Miss Willow Beagle
Monday, June 23, 2008
Toby's First Post

Xander's First Post